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'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 3: ordinal not in range(128)

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A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  1. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/request/ in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_wsgi.Request object>)

    1. 1307 msg += " " + _("Login and try again.")
    2. 1308 self.theme.add_msg(msg, "error")
    3. 1309
    4. 1310 else:
    5. 1311 handler(, self)
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.request_wsgi.Request object>
    • = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
    • = <bound method Page.send_page of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
  2. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in send_page (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, **keywords={})

    1. 1198 format_args=pi['formatargs'],
    2. 1199 do_cache=do_cache,
    3. 1200 start_line=pi['lines'])
    4. 1201
    5. 1202 # check for pending footnotes
    • start_line undefined
    • pi = {'acl': < instance>, 'format': u'wiki', 'formatargs': u'', 'language': u'en', 'lines': 7}
  3. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in send_page_content (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_wsgi.Request object>, body=u'\n<<AdvancedSearch>>\n\nYou can use regular express...* SiteNavigation: a longer list of things to try\n', format=u'wiki', format_args=u'', do_cache=1, **kw={'start_line': 7})

    1. 1292 try:
    2. 1293 code = self.loadCache(request)
    3. 1294 self.execute(request, parser, code)
    4. 1295 except Exception, e:
    5. 1296 if not is_cache_exception(e):
    • self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
    • self.execute = <bound method Page.execute of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_wsgi.Request object>
    • parser = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
    • code = <code object <module> at 0x7f189a30dd30, file "FindPage", line 2>
  4. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in execute (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_wsgi.Request object>, parser=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>, code=<code object <module> at 0x7f189a30dd30, file "FindPage", line 2>)

    1. 1323 __file__ = os.path.join(MoinMoin.__loader__.archive, 'dummy')
    2. 1324 try:
    3. 1325 exec code
    4. 1326 except "CacheNeedsUpdate": # convert the exception
    5. 1327 raise Exception("CacheNeedsUpdate")
    • code = <code object <module> at 0x7f189a30dd30, file "FindPage", line 2>
  5. /home/eqsource/FindPage in ()

  6. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/formatter/ in macro (self=<MoinMoin.formatter.text_html.Formatter instance>, macro_obj=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, name=u'AdvancedSearch', args=None, markup=u'<<AdvancedSearch>>')

    1. 308 # call the macro
    2. 309 try:
    3. 310 return macro_obj.execute(name, args)
    4. 311 except ImportError, err:
    5. 312 errmsg = unicode(err)
    • macro_obj = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
    • macro_obj.execute = <bound method Macro.execute of <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>>
    • name = u'AdvancedSearch'
    • args = None
  7. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/macro/ in execute (self=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, macro_name=u'AdvancedSearch', args=None)

    1. 127 else:
    2. 128 raise ImportError("Cannot load macro %s" % macro_name)
    3. 129 return execute(self, args)
    4. 130
    5. 131 def _m_lang(self, text):
    • execute = <function execute>
    • self = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
    • args = None
  8. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/macro/ in execute (macro=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, needle=None)

    1. 186
    2. 187 def execute(macro, needle):
    3. 188 # for now, just show the advanced ui
    4. 189 return advanced_ui(macro)
    5. 190
    • global advanced_ui = <function advanced_ui>
    • macro = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
  9. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/macro/ in advanced_ui (macro=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>)

    1. 139 (_('Categories'), unicode(c_select), ''),
    2. 140 (_('Language'), unicode(lang_select), ''),
    3. 141 (_('File Type'), unicode(mt_select), ''),
    4. 142 ('', html.INPUT(type='checkbox', name='titlesearch',
    5. 143 value='1', checked=form_get(request, 'titlesearch', escaped=True),
    • _ = <function <lambda>>
    • builtin unicode = <type 'unicode'>
    • mt_select = <MoinMoin.widget.html.SELECT instance>
  10. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/widget/ in __unicode__ (self=<MoinMoin.widget.html.SELECT instance>)

    1. 120 childout = []
    2. 121 for c in self.children:
    3. 122 co = unicode(c)
    4. 123 childout.append(co)
    5. 124 return "<%s>%s</%s>" % (
    • co = u'<option value="application/gzip">*.gz - application/gzip</option>'
    • builtin unicode = <type 'unicode'>
    • c = <MoinMoin.widget.html.OPTION instance>
  11. /home/eqsource/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MoinMoin/widget/ in __unicode__ (self=<MoinMoin.widget.html.OPTION instance>)

    1. 120 childout = []
    2. 121 for c in self.children:
    3. 122 co = unicode(c)
    4. 123 childout.append(co)
    5. 124 return "<%s>%s</%s>" % (
    • co undefined
    • builtin unicode = <type 'unicode'>
    • c = <MoinMoin.widget.html.Text instance>


'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 3: ordinal not in range(128)

  • args = ('ascii', '*.g\xc2\xb3 - application/vnd.geocube+xml', 3, 4, 'ordinal not in range(128)')
  • encoding = 'ascii'
  • end = 4
  • message = ''
  • object = '*.g\xc2\xb3 - application/vnd.geocube+xml'
  • reason = 'ordinal not in range(128)'
  • start = 3

System Details

  • Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 06:01:54 +0000
  • Platform: Linux 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 10 16:21:17 UTC 2022 x86_64
  • Python: Python 2.7.5 (/usr/bin/python)
  • MoinMoin: Release 1.8.8 (release)