
Latitude Longitude Depth [km] Date [dd mm yyyy] Flynn-Engdahl Region
42.78 139.18 20.00 12 / 07 / 1993 Hokkaido, Japan, region

Source Parameters

Magnitude Mw M0 [Nm] Strike [deg] Dip [deg] Rake [deg] Length [km] Width [km] Rise time [s] Rupture speed [km/s]
7.60 2.85e+020 180.00 30.00 95.00 200 70 5.000 3


Author Data Grid inversion time windows
SGM Tele GPS Insar Tril/Level other Number of segments general dz dx slip velocity function number length [s] overlap [s]
Mendoza and Fukuyama (1996) x x - - - - 2 10 10 boxcar 5 1.00 0.00


Event tag slip distribution (ascii) finite source parameters (ascii) matlab file matlab figure additional information
s1993HOKKAImend s1993HOKKAImend.slp s1993HOKKAImend.fsp s1993HOKKAImend.mat s1993HOKKAImend.fig s1993HOKKAImend_add

Last Update: 21 Jul 2007/ fb - Created: 2007 / fb    close this window