
Forward problem: Strike slip extended fault

The solutions computed by Martin Galis using SORD (by Geoff Ely). DISCRETIZATION: h = 40m, dt = 0.003s, MT = 5001, domain size ~30km x 35km x 25km, gama = 0.2 (to supress hour-glass modes). SOURCE: interpolated using bi-linear interpolation and smoothed using moving average with 1km-window (i.e., the grid spacing of the input source model). No rescaling was applied. Max. slip is 1.1962m and 1.1953m before and after interpolation & smoothing, respectively. The relative difference is 0.08%. sum(slip)*area_per_node is 4.7384e7 m3 and 4.7276e7 m3 before and after interpolation & smoothing, respectively. The relative difference is 0.23%.

Plotting parameters (leave blank for default)::

source inversion validation database | version 1.0.0