rupmod Format

We have two different formats to handle the rupture model data (check under legacy formats for previous formats, prior to inv2 benchmarks) They are specified below, depending on whether a single time window or several time windows are used in the inversion.

The following parameters are reported in the header section:

  • “label” is the above (in red) noted source-model indicator
  • “modeler”: name/identifier of modeler or modeling group
  • date: date when calculations were performed (format
  • “inversion method”: specify the inversion approach used
  • “Ground-motion code”: specify the numerical code for ground-motion computation
  • SourcePar1: moment magnitude and seismic moment (in Nm)
  • SourcePar2: estimated length and width of fault plane (in km)
  • Hypocenter: estimated hypocenter coordinates in X, Y, Z (in km)
  • Depth2Top: estimated depth to top of fault plane (in km)
  • NumPoints: number of points in along-strike (Nx) and down-dip (Nz) direction of the rupture model
  • NumTimeWn: number of time windows (Nt) and their spacing (Dt, in sec)
  • ElemSTF: string to indicate elementary source-time function used

For each point on the fault, indicated by its X, Y, and Z position, several rupture quantities are then listed in subsequent columns, i.e. each row of the output table contains the source parameters at a given point on the fault plane. Thus, the rupture-model output looks as follows:

If the inversion is carried out using a single time window:

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  SIV Inversion Exercise :  inv2a_mai
    #  Date                   :  15.03.13
    #  Modeler                :  M. Mai
    #  Inversion Method       :  non-linear single time-window
    #  Ground-motion code     :  Axitra
    #  SourcePar1  Mw-Mo [Nm] :  6.113, 1.658e+18   
    #  SourcePar2  L-W [km]   :  25.0, 14.00
    #  Hypocenter  X-Y-Z [km] :  3.00, 0.00, -12.50
    #  Depth2Top   Z2top [km] :  -3.000
    #  NumPoints   Nx-Nz      :  13, 12
    #  NumTimeWn   Nt-Dt      :  1, 0.0
    #  ElemSTF                :  iso-tri 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  X           Y           Z      TotalSlip    Rake      RupTime    RiseTime  
    # km          km          km         m         deg         s          s  
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -4.0000    -0.0000    -6.0000     0.0000     0.0000     3.0000     5.0000
    -3.0000    -0.0000    -6.0000     0.0000     0.0000     3.0000     5.0000
    -2.0000    -0.0000    -6.0000     0.0000     0.0000     3.0000     5.0000
    -1.0000    -0.0000    -6.0000     0.0000     0.0000     3.0000     5.0000
     0.0000    -0.0000    -6.0000     0.0000     0.0000     3.0000     5.0000
     1.0000    -0.0000    -6.0000     0.0000     0.0000     3.0000     5.0000

If the inversion is carried out using several time windows:

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  SIV Inversion Exercise :  inv2a_mai
    #  Date                   :  15.03.13
    #  Modeler                :  M. Mai
    #  Inversion Method       :  linearized multi time-window
    #  Ground-motion code     :  own 3D-FD code
    #  SourcePar1  Mw-Mo [Nm] :  6.113, 1.658e+18   
    #  SourcePar2  L-W [km]   :  25.0, 14.00
    #  Hypocenter  X-Y-Z [km] :  3.00, 0.00, -12.50
    #  Depth2Top   Z2top [km] :  -3.000
    #  NumPoints   Nx-Nz      :  13, 12
    #  NumTimeWn   Nt-Dt      :  4, 0.5
    #  ElemSTF                :  iso-tri 
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  X       Y        Z     TotalSlip    Rake   RupTime   RiseTime  SlipTW1   SlipTW2 ...
    # km       km       km       m         deg      s          s         m         m
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -4.0000  -0.0000  -6.0000  0.0000     0.0000  3.0000   5.0000    1.0000    0.5555
    -3.0000  -0.0000  -6.0000  0.0000     0.0000  3.0000   5.0000    1.0000    0.5555
    -2.0000  -0.0000  -6.0000  0.0000     0.0000  3.0000   5.0000    1.0000    0.3333
    -1.0000  -0.0000  -6.0000  0.0000     0.0000  3.0000   5.0000    1.0000    0.6666
     0.0000  -0.0000  -6.0000  0.0000     0.0000  3.0000   5.0000    1.0000    0.1111
     1.0000  -0.0000  -6.0000  0.0000     0.0000  3.0000   5.0000    1.0000    0.2345

source inversion validation database | version 1.0.0