The SIV toolbox provides a number of utilities to evalaute mistfits/similarity of the waveforms, and to compare source models:
- Waveform plots
- Assesment of Waveform misfits/similarity using different metrics: correlation analysis, root-mean-square error, 1-norm, 2-norm, and percentage variance reduction
- Analysis using Fourier Amplitude Spectra
- Waveforms comparision using the time freqency envelope and time phase envelope as parameters for misfit/goodness of fit between two signals
- Summary statistics for source models
- Contours and grid comparisions of source models
The SIV project, and in particular, the benchmark exercises, has been discussed in the following publication:
Mai P. M., D Schorlemmer, M. Page, J.‐P. Ampuero, K. Asano, M. Causse, S. Custodio, W. Fan, G. Festa, M. Galis, F. Gallovic, W. Imperatori, M. Käser, D. Malytskyy, R. Okuwaki, F. Pollitz, L. Passone, H.N.T. Razafindrakoto, H. Sekiguchi, S.G. Song, S.N. Somala, K.K.S. Thingbaijam, C. Twardzik, M. van Driel, J.C. Vyas, R. Wang , Y. Yagi, and O. Zielke (2016). The Earthquake‐Source Inversion Validation (SIV) Project, Seismological Research Letters , 87(3), 690-708.